Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Stage Fright by Louise Abejero free essay sample

Telltale Signs of a Horror story Gone Right Your heart is racing, your palms are sweating, your throat feels raw, you cant breathe, and worst of all, you feel like youre about to throw up (physiological, psychological, and behavioral symptoms). Reading the first sentence, one might that hes reading a horror story. Well, thats partially right. This IS a horror story, not the a monster is going to kill me, Im goanna pee my pants kind of horror story, but a horror Tory nonetheless. For some of us, speaking to a crowd is the worst nightmare. It is so terrifying for some people that when they get up on stage, they can do nothing more but Just stand there and look dumb (psychological and behavioral symptoms). Im not exaggerating people, this happens. In fact, Eve experienced this myself. I was on third grade and I was getting ready to go out to the crowd and deliver my story when a sudden feeling of fear gripped my entire being, a deep and cold fear that of which I Anton explain. We will write a custom essay sample on Stage Fright by Louise Abejero or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page What was there to worry about? I asked myself. I had my lines memorized and etched in my brain. Eve practiced a gazillion times and I was constantly being assured by my coach and family that I was goanna do fine, perhaps even great (receiving social support). But of course I didnt believe them; I was so focused on everything that could go wrong. So focused indeed that I started to believe everything WAS GOING wrong. That little and sudden shift in my thinking led to my downfall. I knew in my heart that I could have done it, but my panic paralyzed me. There I was on stage, in front of about a hundred third graders and all I did was stand there speechless. And so I ran. I ran back to the side of the stage and told my coach that I couldnt do it. I told him that I would rather get a zero, anything at all, Just so I could escape this horrible situation (withdrawing from the stresses). But my coach didnt let me chicken out. What he did instead was calm me down. He gave me eater and sat me down. After all my hysterics, he told me to take a deep breath and hold it in. After about five seconds, he told me to breathe out. I did this about five to six times until my heartbeat went back to normal. And then coach gave me a pep talk. He told me that I was ready for this and that I could win this story telling contest (receiving social support). He built up my confidence and encouraged me to go out there and face my fear (changing stress perception). That was all the convincing that

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